Thursday, December 15, 2016

#Video: Learn how to focus on your vision when people around you don't believe in your dreams/ in what you do..

In our African way, most of us try hard to do what or parents want us to..or in simple line, we live our parents' lives and dreams. For instance, a parent migh want you to become a doctor or a teacher or to be whatever he/she wants you to be that can make him/her earn reputation in the community. And in most cases, you will have to do it because he/she is the provider..pays fees for it! 
Since most parents wish the best when it comes to their sons/daughters...then, most of us never take this dream stealing seriously, "anyways..they are parents, they can't do some to harm me"-we think!!
This is what i refer it as dream stealing!!

To some points in my life i have come across the so called.."dream-stealers". These (mostly) are people (either family or non-family members) who tend not to believe in others point of it dreams, start ups or the like! Regardless their ages or status in your community..when you let them know what you think and believe in, most will not be honest with you...they will make you think they support you and give you crap but when you give them your back..they will make fun of you, and talk some shits about your idea or dreams! "In fact you as a human being you may start to feel bad" ...but as how things work, never feel bad for it for them!

Why? because, most tend to be filled with contentment..thinking they don't need any more idea to act upon..thinking they have it all they need!
Experience has taught me that he #1 killer in life is NOT heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS or accidents. I think it's "contentment."
-Too many people in life have given up on their dreams, become comfortable with mediocrity, and convinced themselves that good enough is good enough. Instead of facing their fears and chasing passionately after their dreams and goals so they live bigger, do better and achieve greatness, they just feel contented and find it easier to downsize their dreams, live in the memory of their past accomplishments, and justify why what they've got and done is enough. They have let contentment creep into their lives and kill their dreams, ambitions and chances of ever achieving greatness. 
Sometimes these "walking dead" types will try to convince you of why you're the crazy one for chasing your dreams. They'll try to convince you that you're working too hard, not taking enough time to smell the roses enough, what you're doing is silly or won't work, or that you've "changed". 
So when these people attack you, make fun of you, or the "vehicle" you've chosen to achieve success and break out of the box with, it's okay to feel sad. 
  • Just make sure you're feeling sad for them and not you, because they're the one's that need to be pitied. 
  • They're the one's who've given up on life, settled for mediocrity, and chose to be haters instead of celebrators.
  • They're the ones that'll be on their death bed wondering what they could've been had they tried harder, fought longer, and not quit on their dreams. 
  • Be strong my friends. Keep moving forward it's not worth listening to and the ones who seem happy living in contentment, truly aren't. Don't let them fool you. 

Did You Miss This?? (A MUST WATCH)

Keep fighting the good fight!
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Part of this article is the #guestpost by Cesar L.Rodriguez. Read more posts from him here

Monday, December 12, 2016

Fear and Sickness Inspire Failure. Learn How to Be positive and live healthy.

Health is the most important and expensive capital or asset a human being holds, when you are unhealthy nothing can work effectively.
It has been defined that environment is simply anything around human life. So, if you want to be of a good health, start by examining the environment around you, from your habit or the daily routine, your body, your family, house, office, food you eat, company you keep and everything i mean everything as it is defined. 
Since we are human beings its not likely that we can stop our bodies from falling sick  but we can avoid it by considering the healthy ways of living. Living down to Earth, eating healthy foods that contain some or all food types, doing exercises, restricting our lifestyles from engaging in activities or eating stuffs that can affect our health like using drugs, too much alcohol and smoking are some of the practices that every one should consider. Health can greatly affect our struggles to success, when you are unhealthy you tend to be less or not confident, why? Because when diseases attack you, they cause suffering..which means, most of your struggles and fights for success stops to let you fight the diseases. Remember, time goes on..never waits for anyone whether who is on bed sick or the otherwise..and once you realize that fact, stresses come along. 
Remember, prophets are always there by your side watching all the moves happening with your life..this can give them thousands reasons to start proving you wrong or make you feel guilt for the prophesies they once had upon every-what you do.  
So, stress and suffering at the same time lead to the so called inferiority complex! which takes all the confidences and inspires FEAR! Now, with fear on your is unlikely that you can make tough decisions or take another risky actions..which defines FAILURE! 
So, you want to overcome fear and silence your haters?  
Always be positive and Live healthy.
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Monday, December 5, 2016

Be Strong. Take a Courage. Create a Vision To Build a Better Africa

Every Nation in the world is now fighting hard to grow its economy and help its citizens to have better lives with the presence of all necessities of life. Big nations are even going as far as  trying to become the strongest in the world.
Out here in Africa, countries like Tanzania are also trying hard to effectively use their resources and set new plans that can help them be independent by focusing on education, empowering youngsters and women engage in modern agriculture as well as reviving their industries to build up more employments for the rapidly growing population.
With the ongoing unemployment challenge, many youngsters around the world are trying to put their ideas into ACTIONS, but most of the struggles have been witnessed to be rat races, they don't live longer and the main problem to many has noticed to be FEAR. Fear of the unknown, fear of the people around our world, especially those who pre assume our fate when we try to share our dreams, plans and wishes with them..fear of the so called HATERS!
I never was confident to do what i believed in not until i came to understand that, there have been and will always be there some people who will never believe in your ability, your talent, your ideas or whatever you think and do. They will come with lots of prophetic slogans to show you that you won't make it, but you should not be worried..Be strong and take a courage with you. You will overcome FEAR and that only will silence your haters.
Experience has taught me that, the weaker are the ones who will always try to bring you down, because strong people don't put others down, they lift them up!
Be Strong, Take a Courage..and your confidence will grow and those who wait to see you going down, will keep waiting forever. Stay focused and Create a Vision To Build a Better future. A Better Africa.
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